
Test Question: For Grade VII Junior Hight School English in Focus (Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VII) Dialouge

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Test questions
English practice
For grade VII junior hight school
Soal ulangan
Bahasa Inggris kelas VII SMP/MTs

A. Choose a, b, c or c for the right answer.
  1. What is Dream Food?
    1. a. Favourite food
      b. Restaurant
      c. A Place near writer's house.
  2. How does Dream Food look like
    1. a. It's large and confortable
      b. It's nice but small
      c. It's far or cozy
  3. What kind of Restaurant you think it is?
    1. a. Teenager restaurant
      b. Family restaurant
      c. Kids restaurant
  4. What is the speciality menu there?
    1. a. Soup
      b. Cake
      c. Oxtail soup
  5. What is the advantage by eating three?
    1. a. Get a big discount
      b. Get promo price
      c. Get student's discount
B. Discuss and answer the following questions!
  1. What  do you think of Dream Food restaurant? Explain your answer.
  2. Can you give your opinion about some conditions of a restaurant should be?

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Test Question: For Grade VII Junior Hight School English in Focus (Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VII) Writing
Test Question: For Grade VII Junior Hight School English in Focus (Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VII)

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